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Steam and epic games store, the controversy

It goes without saying that every avid gamer is well aware of the ongoing conflict and controversy between the Epic game and Steam games. While both of these franchise has provided the gamers with amazing games and interfaces time and time, they are not faced against each other over the new third party game offerings that Epic game store is offering its users. The only controversy in this is whether the same is capable enough to dethrone the Steam Games which has been in the front for quite some time now?

In here, we are going to be walking you through the various prospects of controversy that the majority of the gamers are indulging in.

Get the exclusives

The boxes with steam were already printed. The deal with epic came afterwards

The developers of Fortnite, who have worked day in and day out to enhance their game have now come forth with an amazing and a wide array of third party games that they are offering out to their users on their store.

While some of them are newbies, some are exclusive and they have even decided to give out freebies all throughout the year, which was yet another bash to the stability of the business that Steam games have still now been indulging in.

With such advancements in the store, it is not at all surprising that the controversy has risen among the gamers who have blindly relied and depended on just Steam Games till now for their daily dose of updated games.

What does the future look like?


With the already wide range of third-party games available on the Epic store, it is not at all surprising that the future of the same does look brighter with more addition of games.

If Epic goes along in this speed, chances are that the gamers might change lanes and opt for the new rising star instead of Steam games. As of now, Epic’s game library is tiny and very small in comparison to that of the Steam games which have a collection of over 30,000 games in its store.

Experts believed that Epic store is not necessarily a place to explore new games but rather a place that helps in ensuring that you purchase and play games that you have necessarily heard about. The company has suggested that they are going to be opening up more broadly to their audience in the year 2019 and provide them with options that they can meddle around with.

The gamers and the people working around in this genre are suggesting that unlike Steam which beliefs in the “anything works” policy, the same might not necessarily be the case with Epic once they start filling out their library with more games.

What are the current features as of now?

While it is futile to work around talking about the features of Steam games (we all know them right?), it is important we emphasize our focus on the features that the Epic game store has been launched with. It is important to ensure that you take the important prospects of features into consideration when it comes to assessing the controversy between these two gaming moguls.

For the most part, Epic has launched its store with four different features namely the look, buy, download and play the game.

Given the fact that Epic is new to this , it is not at all surprising that they do lack some of the most important prospects that many often focus around on.

Epic does lack some of the basic features like it doesn’t tell you the amount of disc space the game is taking up or the amount of free disc space you have. This is often a very crucial shortcoming that many gamers struggle around with.

Steam has updated its store with efficient and much-required feature over the course of years. While Epic is just new to the game and it is wrong to judge right off the bat, it has actually launched its store with the minimal and basic features as of now. If they want to make their imprint and overthrow the importance of Steam in the market, it is necessary for them to work around in including more features to upgrade the store so that gamers can evaluate its potency.

Cut out of Game Sales

Epic games to a generation of steam gamers:

Given the fact that Epic is battling it out with one of the biggest game stores that have been many gamer’s favourite, it is not surprising that they are opting for techniques to get the best out of their launch.

When it comes to discussing the cut out of the game sales for Epic right now, they might not necessarily be a lot right off the bat. The main reason behind the same is because of the fact that Epic is giving away a number of exclusive games for free.

In order to get the various developers’ on board with their agenda, they are also undercutting Steam’s revenue take which is yet another well-played tactic on their part. Steam takes around 30% of the revenue from the sales they make of the games and the rest goes to the developers. Owing to the fact that Epic is just making it into the market, they are actually testing out the waters and only taking 12% of the generated revenue which is enticing a number of developers to sell their games to their store instead of Steam.

Epic is currently in its budding stage and will actually require quite a lot of time before they do successfully start generating a good amount of revenues but the same is on the correct track with the updated features and the constant outlook on their competitors.

In order for Epic to over throne Steam, it is important for them to assess the market and target the audience in the best way possible. Just being stagnant and offering freebies isn’t going to end up producing the kind of results that majority of the people are on the lookout for. It is necessary to upgrade the store features, bring in more adventurous games and provide the gamers with a seamless experience.

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