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Star Citizen: Everything That You Need To Know

If you are a hardcore PC gamer, chances are that you have already have heard of the game Star Citizen. In case, if you haven’t: it is an upcoming multiplayer space and combat game. The game is developed and published by Cloud Imperium Games. The game is specially published for Microsoft Windows. The game is expected to be an epic one only if, it is ever released.

For a game which is yet to be released, it has surely gathered a lot of controversies. The planning and development of the game started back in 2011 which were led by director Chris Roberts. The game was about to be released in the year 2014 after its successful crowdfunding campaign which collected over $250 million. However, due to the expansion and addition of new game play features, the release date was postponed. Presently, the game is again making a lot of headlines and there is a great deal of controversy that has surrounded the release of the game. Having said that, let’s take a look at the current status of the game.

Development History

The development of the game began in 2011. It was in 2012 when the crowdfunding for the game was announced. The game was initially planned to be released in 2014 but since then it has been repeatedly postponed as the game grew in scale.

The game was developed for Microsoft Windows. However, there were plans to release the game for other platforms like Linux as well. The game was developed with the use of a modular approach.

· The first module of the game is the Hangar Module which was released in 2013.

· The second module of the game called Arena Commander was released back in 2014.

· Star Marine which happens to be a first-person shooter component of the game was announced at PAX Australia 2014. However, with a lengthy delay, it was finally launched in 2016.

· In 2016, the game was migrated to Amazon Lumberyard engine.

· The mega-module, Star Citizen Alpha was launched in 2015. This is the version where future updates would be made available.

About the Gameplay

The game may not have been released yet but it is already considered as the most epic space combat games to exist out there. The game has already attracted much attention for itself even before, it’s launch. Many expect it to put an end to all the space simulation games out there.

Star Citizen is not a single game, instead, it is made up of different modules which are linked together to create a whole new experience. The modules of the game can be divided into the following key areas:

1. Squadron 42: This happens to be the single-player portion of the game. It is known to be based on a predefined narrative. The story is voiced by various Hollywood stars including Gary Oldman, Mark Hamill. Liam Cunningham and Gillian Anderson. All these celebrities have lent their voices in the game. The game will be split into different chapters. The first chapter will

last for around 20 hours.

The campaign is known to last around 70 hours in total. This will feature exciting first-person shooter and space combat sections. Players are also allowed to join teams with other players in the co-op mode. Players can also maintain complex relations with non-player characters with the help of a unique conversation system.

2. Social: The social persistent universe is what attracts the people more. Star Citizen is known to offer trading, combat, and thrill of exploring and fighting with many other players in the game.

All online play takes place on a single server. The best thing is you can do as you may please. You can also become a trader by exchanging goods. The scope in the game is great.

3. First-person combat: This section of the game is known as Star Marine. This is very much similar to games like Battlefield and Call of Duty. In this module, 16 players are allowed to take part. Also, you get zero gravity environments to play in. the social element of the game also features the first person mode.

Star Citizen Release Date

The community since 2014

Initially, the full version of the game was planned to be released in 2014. But as the funding for the game has increased for the past few years, so has it’s development time. This has eventually delayed the launch of the game.

The game is developed by Cloud Imperium Games which is founded by director Chris Roberts. The game was successfully crowdfunded in the year 2012 but it has still yet to be released. The game is expected to be a massively multiplayer combat game based in-universe. It is known to include elements of first-person shooter combat and space trading. It is believed to be one of the most epic and ambitious games of all times. But sadly, the game is yet to be released.

After a long delay, the game has finally reached its Alpha state but it still doesn’t have any release date fixed. However, we can still see several trailers and game play videos of the game. This gives us a rough idea about how the final game is going to be like.

Star Citizen is developed by a large group of developers and talented creators. The team of Star Citizen seems to work dedicatedly towards the development of the game. This gives us hope that the game will release at some point in the future. However, we are still not sure how soon the future is going to arrive in this case.

As of now (3-2-19), there is no update on the release of the game. The developers of the game did launch an Early Access Model for the game which can be updated in the future.

Community Reactions

Millions of dollars have been collected and many years have passed by but Star Citizen has not been released yet. This seems to have created a cloud of controversy for the game as the fans are eager to know the release date of the game. To your disappointment, the release date of the game has still not yet been declared.

The release of the game has been postponed too many times which has attracted a lot of reactions from the fans. Gamers are waiting in anticipation for the release of the game. However, with all the recent headlines there is still hope that the game will be released in the coming future.

Star Citizen happens to be the most crowd funded the game in existence. Its crowdfunding campaign was successfully wrapped up in 2012. The amount collected in the crowdfunding already is over 200 million dollars. This is actually a pretty impressive figure.

Robin Williams coming back from hibernation to ask about Star Citizen

The game was originally slated to be released in 2014 but since then it has been delayed for a countless number of times. Now it has reached a point where it has no fixed release date to be declared. This has surely frustrated the fans. But as the saying goes, with patience comes sweetness. We can only hope that the developers are up to something great and epic. As stated early, according to the director of the games Chris Roberts, Star Citizen is going to be the end of all space games. Well, that is quite the statement passed by the wing commander of the Cloud Imperium Games.

The game has been developed by deriving ideas from different genres. It includes ideas from first-person shooters, combat simulators and more. To keep the fans updated, the studio regularly uploads videos that provide exciting insights into the game. The videos and trailers released by the game are quite interesting.

Critics too have been writing a lot about the game. With all the reactions, it can be said that everyone is surely getting restless to know the release date of the game. With passing time, the frustration among the fans is building up.

Keeping all the facts in mind, it can be said that either Star Citizen is going to be the most epic space games of all times or it will turn out to be the most expensive failure in the world of video games.

From the above discussion, it can be concluded that Star Citizen happens to be quite the subject for the coming years. The game was planned to be released back in the year 2014 which has been postponed ever since. With several delays, the game has raised quite a lot of questions on its part. Whether it will be released soon or will forever stay in the development stage, only time will tell.

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